
“We are not all created equal when it comes to fat” 

  • Analysis of DNA suggest that there are variations on certain chromosomes that are linked to fatness.
  • We can’t change our genes, but science is learning that we can influence how they affect our health.
  • For example, individuals with variations in a gene called FTO tend to desire high-calorie foods more and have more fat as a result.
  • This gene causes an almost twofold increased risk of obesity compared with those who do not inherit the gene variation.
  • Genes are strong, but don’t have the final say.
  • If you have such a variant, are you doomed to a life of flabbiness?
  • The good news is that unless you have one of the very rare genetic mutations that undeniably cause obesity, your genes are just one factor in your weight profile.
  • In the end, daily actions matter more.
  • How much we decide to eat, what we eat, and how much we choose to exercise will, in the majority of cases, trump our genes.
  • For example, people with the risk version of FTO respond just as well to weight loss interventions as everyone else.
  • Carriers of certain ‘fat genes’ are known to be on average 6.6lb heavier.