
The trick to extending shelf life is to control water activity, moisture content, and oxygen inside the packaging.

»  The solution: Dehydrating the foods.

»  In 2015, 75% of Americans are functioning in a chronic state of dehydration.

»  Why?

  • By eating dehydrated (military) foods, the body cannot compensate the necessary 30%-stake water intake coming from water-rich foods.
  • In fact, studies have shown that drinking and eating too little water can cause fat deposits to increase, while drinking more can actually reduce fat deposits.

Daily Fluid Intake

  • Water: 30%
  • Food: 70%
  • People are not full so they have to overeat high-concentrated energy foods (military).
  • It costs more money to purchase small portions: one donut = 4 slices of whole-wheat bread.

Which food makes you full? 800 Calories each.

Nuts are considered as dried fruits in French.

The Food you choose for snacking for 100 Calories:

16 tiny Pretzels


1 cup of baby carrots with 2 tablespoons of hummus

Question: Which snack do you make next time?

Amount of foods providing approximately 100 calories.