A Complex Problem

  • In 1977, the Federal Dietary Guidelines were intended to reduce the risk of obesity and chronic disease by offering simple recommendations, such as increase physical activity, eat less fat and fatty foods, eat less sugar and sweets, and avoid too much alcohol.
  • You know what happened next: we got fatter.
  • Obesity rates have doubled among adults and more than tripled among children since the 1980s. 
  • In response, health officials have been developing strategies to counter the epidemic. 
  • As their initiatives have never worked, they have started blaming the American people of laziness, bad eating behaviors, lack of motivation, inability to change, or emotional weaknesses.
  • This is what we thought when we opened our first coaching center in 2014. As we successfully developed the first RESO programs in Switzerland, we figured out that Americans ate far more unhealthy foods than Europeans.
  • We will show you that’s completely wrong.